The Cryogen-free Measurement System. CryoAdvance, Inc.

LTLab, Inc.

CryoMagn 2-40-15
  • Cryostat with superconducting magnet up to 15 Tesla at 4.2 K

The cryostat CryoMagn 2-40-15 with superconducting magnet up to 15 T at 4.2 K is a magnified modification of the CryoMagn 1-40-12. The typical features of the cryostat are the larger liquid helium and nitrogen reservoirs, and higher maximum field of solenoid. The applications are related to the studies of the superconductivity, the Hall effect, magneto-optics and others. The built-in liquid helium level gauge and removable liquid helium transfer line provide the helium level monitoring and filling services.

The superconducting solenoid with attachable copper or HTSC current leads is built by multifilament wire based on NbTi or Nb3Sn superconductors.

The power supply provides the different sections of the superconducting coil serially by the same current. The standard magnitude of the magnetic field is 14 - 15 T at 4.2 K for the solenoid bore 40 mm. The resistor/diode protection circuit secures the safety use of the superconducting solenoid. Special circuit secures the time elongation for occasional transition of superconductor to the normal state. As an option, we supply a superconducting switch to maintain the superconducting short-cut regime and the electrical power supply for solenoid.

Basic parameters of the system

Central field at 4.2 K, T


Homogeneity in a 10 mm sphere near the center of solenoid


Maximum sweep rate, T·sec-1


Maximum current, A


Solenoid bore, mm


Helium reservoir capacity, L


Nitrogen reservoir capacity, L


Liquid helium consumption during cooling to 4.2 K, L


Liquid helium consumption during operation, L/hour


Liquid helium consumption with removed current leads, L/hour


Cryostat overall height, mm


Cryostat diameter, mm


Total weight of cryostat, kg


Complete system

  1. CryoMagn 2-40-15 cryostat.

  2. Built-in helium level sensor.

  3. Electronic unit for level monitoring.

  4. Variable length liquid helium transfer line.


  1. Variable temperature insert INMAGN-115-1.2-He4 for temperature 1.2 - 300 K.

  2. Temperature controller tSTAT310 with Manostat.

  1. Variable temperature insert INMAGN-112-03-He3 for temperature 0.3 - 1.4 K.

  2. Sample holder.

Additional equipment

  1. Liquid nitrogen level indicator.

  2. Liquid nitrogen and helium storage vessels.

  3. Additional sample holders.

Key benefits

  • Extremely low helium consumption.

  • High reliability.

  • Competitive price.

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